What was sleeping now begins to awake. What was dormant now begins to stir.
For the first Womankind Circle this year, we will gather in the tide of Imbolc. Honouring the first stirrings of new life and dawning energies of the Maiden as we explore this joyful, youthful archetype.
The Maiden emerges gingerly from the darkness, born into a land of frost and ice, stony grey skies, leafless trees and icy water. She is wide-eyed and wanders free; innocent and inquisitive, she uses her senses to engage and perceive, finding delight in the world around her.
It is a time of bitter weather and bitting winds, and although the land is dormant in appearance, the latent vitality of the Earth begins to re-awaken. When we look closely we see the early shoots burst with promising green spears, before the first buds open into song. At this time, we begin to feel ready for something more... slowly moving from the fertile darkness of our inner world to a more outward-looking energy that inspires, uplifts and expands our daily lives.
Come and tend to your life force energy with nurturing, life-affirming practices to awaken with a joyful opening. Breathing in newness and the beauty of Spring optimism, we will explore the element of air with a light, playful practice - like the Maiden, curious and open-hearted. The movement will carry us back to the earth for a nourishing Yoga Nidra and Sound journey to tend to the budding life within. The session will end with a sharing circle and apothecary craft to make a salving bath soak to take away for your own purification ritual at home.
What to Expect
Somatic arrival and inner orientation with guided meditation
Womb Yoga - playful, free movement
Nourishment and rest with Yoga Nidra with a Sound Journey
Imbolc craft - make your own Lustral Bath soak for a home purification ritual
Witnessing and sharing in Circle - a space to listen, to be received and held.
Healthy homemade treats and herbal tea
Where Clinic 51, The Black Barn, Dye House Lane, Duncton, Petworth GU28 0LF
When Sunday 2nd February, 4:00 - 6:30 pm
Exchange £45