Shadow of the Heart
A few words on Grief
Lately, I have been feeling weighed down with a heaviness in my heart, which I now recognise as grief. Like many people, these collective challenges have forced me to look more closely at my life, become intimate with my pain, and discover my soul's calling. The trauma that we have endured has accelerated change in the most profound ways; to reevaluate our lives and let go of what no longer aligns or feels true. These times have been a catalyst for awakening, which is never a smooth or painless journey.
Whether we choose to acknowledge it or not, we are all grieving and collectively healing.
There are different scales of grief, from the deep consuming loss of a loved one, to the loss of a relationship, home or sense of self. Mourning for our past existence, the love we have lost, homes we have left and for every girl and women we have ever been.
While grief can feel deep and dark, it is also the void to new beginnings. When we feel a sense of loss, we can be grateful for what we had and content with where we are. Learning to sit in the shadow of the heart while remembering the light, enables us to be present with our pain.
Obviously, there are different depths and phases of grief, and mourning is unique to each individual. I am sharing my experience here in this moment...
This feels like a phase of processing, embodying the emotions I have not been willing, ready or able to before. The sickening sorrow and deep ache is an accumulated sadness that has been shadowing my heart.
As we lean into spring, towards hope, I feel supported to feel what is rising and sit with the textures of this experience. I keep reminding myself that the pain, discomfort, and unease are the alchemy of evolution and a necessary part of growth.
I hope this message brings you comfort to know you are not alone in feeling this very human emotion. The heart does heal and joy and grief are emotions that can coexist.